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Acoustic Attenuators – Why And Where Do You Need These?

Acoustic attenuators are machines that are necessarily used to reduce noise generated by equipment for air or gas flow. However, attenuators do not compromise on the gas or air flow itself. The attenuators keep the pressure of air or gas flow in control and as low as possible. These are commonly used for different industrial, domestic, and commercial purposes. If you plan to place an order for sound attenuators you must make sure that you are choosing the right supplier. You can find a complete range of acoustic attenuators from such a service provider. Whatever may be your need for noise reduction, you must make it a point to research well before choosing such a service provider. You can choose between custom-built and ready-made sound attenuators.

Where are the Attenuators Used?

The commonest use of sound attenuators is in HVAC (heating, ventilation, air conditioning) devices. Such machines are also attached to the discharge at radiators, fan inlets, and cooling towers. Actually the devices can be used almost anywhere where there needs to be a control on the noise coming from a gas or air flow. The attenuators reduce noise to industry-acceptable standards.

What are the Main Types of Attenuators?

The sound attenuators available in the market differ depending on the design or the make.

There are sound attenuators that go inside suction pipeline. Silencers or attenuators that are attached there are circular in shape. Sometimes the custom-made attenuators may contain flanges to match with the diameter of the pipelines. Similarly, for large HVAC systems that require large, rectangular attenuators, appropriate silencers can work in this respect. That is the reason that before placing orders for attenuators you need to decide on the functionality of the silencers and where they will be used.

In fact, you will be surprised to know that there are even elbow or bend attenuators. These are used where regular shapes won’t work.

Another prominent type of attenuators is the cross-talk attenuators. These are also called air-relief silencers. These are specially made for transferring occupational noise. Often the sound of human talks needs to be controlled. It can cause a lot of disturbances if sounds of one room travel to another via ventilation ducts and air conditioning systems. The cross-talk attenuators reduce noise and maintain privacy of the occupational and corporate spaces. However, air flow from the air conditioning unit is not compromised in any way. These types of acoustic attenuators are mainly used in offices, libraries, hospitals, and meeting halls.

Things to Consider while Buying Sound Attenuators

There are certain important things to consider when it comes to choosing acoustic attenuators. Given below is a list of a few of those:

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