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All You Need To Know About Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation

All You Need To Know About Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation

Doctors are recently recommending electrical stimulation treatments to soothe chronic pain and anxiety. While this is a novel treatment method, it is quite effective. One of the most common modality is Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation, called CES in short.

CES is a simple treatment method where a battery-run device is used to deliver physical therapy to patients who seek relief from pain. The machines send pulses of low amperage electricity through wires. The wires are attached to electrodes, clipped to the patient’s earlobes. The CES device’s frequency can be adjusted (between 0.5 Hz to 100 Hz) based on the effect of treatment.

You must understand that CES devices work differently when compared to other biomedical electronic machines such as deep brain stimulating electrodes which are commonly used to prevent hand tremors and seizures. Those instruments need surgical implantation but CES is fully non-invasive.

It also varies from electroconvulsive therapy or electroshock therapy, which is a therapeutic modality. ECT is sometimes used in hospitals to help patients suffering from depression. It is often selected when often treatment methods do not respond. In ECT, the strong and steady flow of electrical current is applied to the scalp to led to a controlled brain seizure. CES, on the other hand, applies a much weaker pulsing current to the earlobes. ECT requires anesthesia which CES is painless. In fact, there are many CES you can buy and use at home.

All You Need To Know About Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation

Even though many cranial electrotherapy stimulation devices are available in the market, they cannot be purchased without a prescription. Discuss the issue with a professional before investing on the device. Even though positive effects of CES have been experienced, it is still unknown how it works. CES devices are connected to the mastoid, behind the ears, or to the earlobes but the procedure is not painful at all.

You will feel nothing more than a subtle tingling sensation. Some people complain that they feel dizzy on the first day but the side effect reduces with time. The treatment takes a few months to completely eliminate pain. With every passing week, the patient feels less anxious. Individuals feel reduced stressand more relaxed. Increase alpha brain waves make them more focused and mentally alert.

Patients who portray positive response to CES treatment usually informs hat they sleep better. Reports suggest that the procedure improves concentration and enhances individual’slearning abilities. After a few CES appointment, your recall will be enhanced. You will sense a heightened feeling of well-being after just one or a few of CES treatment sessions.

After CES, most patients can resume normal activities soon after treatment. Some get a euphoric feeling. The individual’s state of deep relaxation can harm his mental or physical abilities. In certain cases, the feeling can last for a few hours after the session. During CES treatment, you can also watch TV, read a book, engage in conversations, or work on a computer, as it doesn’t exert much pressure on the brain.

There are many ways to get over depression, anxiety, insomnia, etc. However, this special method seems like the easiest treatment option for such mental disorders. CES may be slightly more expensive than most other alternatives, but it is very effective. The prices vary from brand to brand but ranges from $600 to $1,000. Even though the result varies depending on person to person, most patients who relied on CES devices for treatment were happy with the service.

If you are suffering from serious physical pain, this is a treatment measure you must take. Consult with your doctor before buying the device as it might not ideal for you.

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