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Evolution Of Online Shopping Sites In India

The concept of online shopping has successfully shadowed that of conventional shopping at physical stores. It isn’t true that physical stores do not exist. They do but it is safe to say that a lot of their revenue has been shared with the world of online shopping. Online shopping sites in India have shown tremendous improvement in the past few years. From the kind of features they offer to the way logistics are handled, they have surely come a long way. Evolution of online shopping sites in India has been rapid, consistent and rewarding. Those who started online shopping from the very beginning would know how much of a change over the entire set up has taken.

It can be very affirmatively stated that Indians have gotten the hang of online shopping and quite practically speaking, they are even accustomed to it. Hence, e-commerce in India is here to stay and how! The sale of items in practically every industry has seen the face of online shopping. From the small time retailers to the big brand of the world have been using online shopping for reaching out to their audiences. Initially, people used to be rather skeptical about the products being sold on the internet. They think that the products might be faulty, the material might not be satisfactory, and the quality of the product might be low and so on. Some people do not like the hassle of exchange and therefore they would think that the process would be time-consuming and tedious. Understanding these pressure points, e-commerce in India has evolved and has succeeded in giving the right solutions to the problems their consumers face.

Evolution Of Online Shopping Sites In India

Let us take a small tour of the roadmap that has been paved by e-commerce in India that has arrived where it is today. In 1991, the concept of online shopping had started stirring across the network. At that time, no one even imagined the possibility of selling and buying items online. However, it was not very widely used. In 2002, IRCTC took the initiative of making bookings online. It was a big boon to consumers although the conventional ticket purchases still prevailed over the booking online procedure. Quickly following suit, Air lines got into the game of online booking. In the year 2003, AirDeccan began its online booking services. From 2007 onwards, emerged the corporate giants that grew to become pioneers of the e-commerce industry.

Online shopping sites today have better user interface, interesting deals and offers. People are now confident in entering their bank details in order to make purchases. Thanks to the payment gateways available that ensure total safety and confidentiality. You have several payment options, easy exchange and returns without any delay or discrepancies in refunds or exchanged products. So, what are the driving points that will lead to the online market to boom like that of the United States and United Kingdom? The one prominent answer is the use of social networks. It is already taking shape as several online businesses find it easy to market their products on social media portals. It can be considered as a successful lead generation tool. Secondly, the price comparison sites are doing quite the rounds in the market lately. They consolidate the information of the pricing of a product in various online shopping sites in India. This way, consumers can decide which one works better for them and certainly which one is cheaper. E-commerce in India is building pace and generating huge revenue. The market is expected to reach 15 billion dollars by 2016 and it seems to be accomplishing the act!

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