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Eye Care Advice For People In Manual Labor Jobs

Protecting your eyesight at work should always be a priority whatever industry you are in, but it is particularly important for manual laborers. Working outdoors with machinery or in confined spaces with chemicals can be hazardous and pose a risk to your eyesight if you don’t wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) such as goggles and glasses.

Eye Care Advice For People In Manual Labor Jobs


Working environments in agriculture and forestry can be dangerous due to obstacles such as low-hanging branches and twigs that can cause serious eye damage in the case of an accident. Loose sand and soil can also irritate the eye area, while water from sources such as rivers and ponds often contain pathogens that can cause troublesome corneal ulcers and other eye injuries.

Preparation and protection are the two major factors that you should consider when working outside. To protect your eyes, always remember to wear protective goggles in order to prevent sediment and sharp objects from entering, and ensure that you have an eyewash available to clean them. Health and safety measures are usually the responsibility of your employer, so talk to them about eye care advice.


Chemicals in industrial environments such as bleach, sprays, and weed killer can have a devastating impact on your health if they come into contact with your eyes. To mitigate the dangers associated with chemical splashes, always try to wear protective equipment such as a face shield, helmet with visor, or goggles. Alkaline substances are usually more damaging than acids, so pay special attention when using these.


The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER) is designed to protect manual laborers from the risks associated with using powerful machinery in the workplace. Goggles are again the most effective means of protecting your eyes when operating machinery. The goggles will prevent any dust particles and any other shards of material such as wood or metal from entering the eye.

Laser Eye Treatment

Perfect vision is vitally important when operating machinery and generally performing tasks in a manual labor job. Opting for laser eye surgery at a Nashville eye care clinic can correct vision immediately in almost all cases and will give you freedom from eyeglasses and contact lenses at work.

Bespoke Protection

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) recommends a four-factor evaluation process for your eye protection needs at work. It believes that personal vision requirements, the circumstances of exposure, the nature and extent of the hazard, and other protection equipment being used should all play a role in evaluating eye care.

According to a Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) survey, more than nineoutoften eye-related injuries occur when chemicals or objects breach protective devices. With this in mind, comfort is the most important factor for compliance and to ensure protection day in, day out. It is possible to get goggles with enhanced features such as vented frames, padded nose bridges, and adjustable angled lenses. When working in high-impact areas, always remember to use polycarbonate lenses as these are much less likely to break, while a hard-coated finish can reduce scratching.

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