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Eyesore No More!

As much as we love our homes, we all carry a little bit of bitterness over its sore spots. Enormous wall vents, awkward light switches, and bulky utility meters are a source of bitterness for homeowners everywhere. It used to be that you either suffered through it by signing a second mortgage or resigned to living with chronic aesthetic pain, but now we have booming DIY blogs and Pinterest. Now you can beautify all those ugly eye sores. Even better, you can do it for next to nothing!


Big And Bulky With Zero Style

As much as we love our washers, dryers, and refrigerators, we can’t deny their lack of style. For years, we’ve had to deal with these giant eyesores, but now there are cheap and simple ideas that will have their fashion sense boosted in minutes.

Go Modern with Electrical Tape!

Eyesore No More!

This is such a fun and inexpensive way to add style to your laundry room. Electrical tape is just as easy to apply as it is to peel off, so there’s no fear of unforgivable mistakes here. All you’ll need for this project is a pair of scissors and a shot of creativity.

Get Funky with Removable Wallpaper!

Eyesore No More!

Do you have a hunger for change that makes it impossible to commit to any one style of design? Then this quick fix is just for you! Removable wallpaper comes in an array of of fun and stylish prints that can be used to complement any kitchen style. The wallpaper peels off in a breeze, so you can switch up your kitchen theme the minute the itch strikes.

 Make a Family-Friendly Chalkboard!

Whether you’re looking for more order, or you’re just trying to keep your kids from drawing on the walls, a chalkboard refrigerator is just the project for you. A quick paint job will instantly transform your fridge into a board for messages, goals, and award-worthy artwork.

The Television

The Beloved Rectangle Of Blackness

As much as we enjoy watching what’s on them, the black blankness and its mess of power cords don’t exactly complement our theme for the living room. But make a quick trip to the local home supply store, and your favorite room will be admired by all who enter.

Go Artsy with a Printed Canvas 

Thanks to Tulip and Turnip, we have the king of cheap and easy fixes. Find the right sized print, and your TV will be transformed into a work of art that goes on-demand within seconds.

Run Cords through the Wall

If you have your TV right where you want it, then you can get cords out of sight by running them through the wall. All is takes is some quick cutting and a pair of cable plates.

Utility Meters

A Heartache Among Homeowners Everywhere

You could doll up that meter with matching paint to help it blend in with the house, but there’s no color lovely enough to make a utility meter shine. Get that boxy station out of sight altogether!

Put it All Behind a Wall 

If you have some wood laying around, then you can make a wood screen out of salvaged wood. This one here was made with wood scraps and an old door; a painless shift from eyesore to eyecatcher.

If you’re leaning towards the higher-scale, then consider a screen like the one on Remodelaholic. That old, ugly meter will be replaced with an instant touch of class.

The Garden Hose

The Yard’s Longest Eyesore

This sneaky snake has been tripping us for ages. It’s a necessity when it comes to having a yard, but it’s a pain when it comes to throwing those BBQ’s. Get yours tucked away or out of sight all together.

Up, Up, and Away!

If you’re looking for easy access with a cheap solution, this simple fix will satisfy. All you’ll need is two screws, a bracket, and the perfect spot to house your hose.

Add to the Landscape by Hiding in Style

If your yard could use an addition to the decor, then find yourself a hose holder. You won’t have to worry about tripping over it, and you’ll always have it handy come watering time.

Get to Work!

Now that you’re armed with ideas and tutorials, make yourself a to-do list and take on a new house project. You can boost the quality of your home with some easy handiwork that just about anyone can handle. Let us know how it goes, and be sure to share your own favorite tricks!

-Ash Stevens

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