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Get Introduced To One Of The Most Important TV Characters On TV

Get Introduced To One Of The Most Important TV Characters On TV

Television is entertaining and fun. You get the chance to enter a make-believe world and get introduced to a large number is interesting characters. These characters often play a vital role in your life as you tend to get associated with them. They in fact make you feel that you know them personally. One such character in the world of American Television is Boss Hogg.

Get Introduced To One Of The Most Important TV Characters On TV

What is so special about Boss Hogg?

Boss Hogg is the prime character in the popular television series called “The Dukes of Hazzards”. His role of the evil unethical commissioner of the Hazzard County and seeks ways and means to actually extort money via crooked means. He is so attached to money that he is motivated to join criminal activities and earn the extra buck.

He is popular not only for his unethical ways but also for his signature white suit and cigar. He is a well loved character and need to appear in all the episodes. Today, the show has completed seven seasons and 137 episodes. He has featured in most of them and the audience always looks forward to his appearance.

JD Dukes is a television enthusiast and he says that people like Boss Hogg for a reason.  Most of them can relate to him and often suggest he resembles a person that thy know. This indeed sounds interesting and at the same time funny. In fact. Mr Dukes says that this is the truth of television. If you look at the medium carefully, you will find that it actually plays a pivotal role in influencing the minds of the audience. Like for instance, the audience often says that Boss Hogg is not a character, he is part of the system- corrupt and greedy. They associate the system with him and this is why they never fail to watch episodes after episodes of him on air. The series was first aired in 1975 and it continued for 10 years.

The Interesting Role of the Character Boss Hogg…

When you take a look at the role of the character of Boss Hogg, you will find that he is constantly rebuked by the Duke family especially by Luke and Bo for his criminal schemes. However, he never wishes to be a good man. There was interestingly a twist in the plot where he actually was diagnosed with a fatal sickness and did make an effort to change his ways. This was one of the most exciting parts of the TV series however the moment he found out that he is not going to die and the illness is not fatal, he changes back to his own wicked ways.

JD Dukes says that his role and character is indeed well loved by the audience and this is perhaps one of the sole reasons why the TV series could have effectively completed seven seasons. Everyone loves the wickedness of Boss Hogg and no wonder they are glued to the screen when he is on air!

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