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Giving A Jewelry Box As A Gift

If you’re not sure what to give someone who is celebrating a holiday, birthday, or other special occasion, consider giving them a jewelry box as a gift. While you may not have considered it before, jewelry boxes are actually versatile presents that can be tailored to fit the personality and style of the person you’re giving it to. Read on for a few tips on giving a jewelry box as a gift.

Shopping for Spouses

Sometimes the people we know the best are the most difficult to shop for. If you have a tough time finding a gift for your spouse, consider a jewelry box.

Perhaps you and your spouse share a certain quote, a special anniversary, or you just want to say “I love you.” Add your message, so it’s displayed on the lid or the front of the jewelry box you plan on giving them. Whether the box is silver-plated or made of wood, engraving and etching are relatively simple personal modifications. Businesses like Jewelry Packaging Box specialize in a wide array of presentation and packaging solutions for all of your jewelry.

When you buy the box, just consider your spouse’s style to ensure you choose a style they’ll love.

Giving to Parents and In-Laws

Giving A Jewelry Box As A Gift

Parents and in-laws always have a special tune—perhaps the song they danced to at their wedding or the song that played on their first date. A musical jewelry box could be just the way to personalize a jewelry box for them. You’ll find that there are tons of different songs already recorded in a variety of jewelry boxes, so if their special song was popular, you’ll easily find a box that plays it.

If the song you’re looking for is rare, you can find jewelry boxes that allow you to record your own personal message, sometimes a message as long as 60 seconds. Sing your version of their special song or find a great recording to transfer to the box.

Gifts for Children, Step-Children, Children-in-Law

No matter what age your kids are, you’ll find a jewelry box to suit their needs. You can also find jewelry box gifts for kids that aren’t your own children count, too—nieces, nephews, godchildren, best friend’s kids, and even your neighbor’s kids.

You can find jewelry box styles appropriate for their age, interests, and style and you can personalize the jewelry box with a meaningful inscription or simply their name. Take some time before starting your shopping spree to make sure you know exactly what each child loves, so they feel connected to the box you choose for them.

Retirement or Going-Away Gifts

If you have a close-knit office, and you’re losing someone special due to retirement or attrition, a well-made jewelry box can let the person know that you—and our team—value them.

Add your company logo or team name as a reminder of the work you did together.

Don’t Forget Clients

Certain times of year, businesses send out gifts to their clients. If you own a business or are responsible for ordering client gifts, why not forego the tower of cookies or the ubiquitous coffee mugs and choose unique jewelry box gifts.

You’ll find many options that are appropriate for men or women and, since jewelry boxes come in all shapes, sizes, and colors, you can find plenty that fit your budget. Remember to add your company name or logo and a special message to personalize each gift.

Class Gift for a Teacher

The end of the school year brings the challenge of a teacher gift. Some school districts discourage or forbid them, but if it’s allowed in your child’s school, consider getting together with the other parents to chip in for a jewelry box.

A jewelry box is a thoughtful and practical gift, even without engraving it. Instead of spending extra on a meaningful message, have all the kids in the class write small notes and place them in the jewelry box before wrapping it.

If you get a sense of your teacher’s style or the type of jewelry they often wear, you’ll be able to figure out what type of box is appropriate.

Treat Yourself

You may have realized that it’s long past the time to upgrade your own jewelry box. Whether it’s overflowing with your favorite gems or you’re still using the same box from your childhood, it may be time to buy yourself a new one.

Decide what type of jewelry box suits you best. Do you want layers of organizing trays or do you prefer a small brass box that will fit a couple of bracelets. How about a great traveling jewelry box?

Make Your Box Special

While a jewelry box is already a special gift, whenever you give a jewelry box, you can always add a little something special—a piece of jewelry to start a collection. Whether your receiver has a ton of jewelry already or just a few singular pieces, giving them something with the box makes your gift extra thoughtful.

Next time you need a gift for a friend or loved one, follow these tips to find the perfect jewelry box.

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