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Mattress Buying Tips – 10 Points To Ponder

The single hardest thing about buying a mattress is that there’s no specific set formula to follow when it comes to choosing the perfect mattress for you. It’s easy to fall in love at first sight with so many of the wonderful fabric beds on the market today, but when it comes to doing what’s right by your health and wellbeing, considerably more thought must be put into the mattress-buying process.

So while some of the following may be little more than quite obvious common sense, each of these ten points are more than worth pondering at length before going ahead and choosing which mattress to take home:

1 – Do Your Homework

Don’t just assume that any one brand or retailer is better or worse than any other – use the web to find out. There’s a ton of information to be found online and a thousand and one opinions of previous buyers and shoppers, so it’s more than worth doing at least a little homework to see what’s what before going any further.

2- Speak To Your GP

The only person in the world that knows you and your health as comprehensively as you yourself do is your GP. As such, it’s always worth having a quick chat with your doctor in order to gain a little advice as to what kinds of beds and mattresses would be best for your particular case. This is of course especially important for the elderly and those with illnesses or disabilities, though is never a bad idea for anyone at any age.

Mattress Buying Tips – 10 Points To Ponder

3 – Firmness

Try to remember that firmness isn’t the be all and end all, nor does a high level of firmness necessarily mean that the mattress will be good for your back. There can be a very big difference between a medium-firm mattress and a firm mattress – just as there can be between the needs of one person and the next.

4 – Mattress Toppers

The appealing of a nice thick pillow topping for the mattress is obvious, but isn’t necessarily the right way to go for everyone. The reason is that for smaller and lighter people, a super-thick mattress topped may totally remove any or all of the benefit the mattress below provides. If however you’re on the heavier side, a mattress topper could add much needed comfort.

5 – Adjustable Beds

If you’ve ever sat in an adjustable recliner and found it to be pure Heaven, it’s about time you tried out an adjustable bed. In some circles they may be primarily marketed as conveniences for the elderly and the disabled, but in terms of pure comfort and convenience they really are in a league of their own. What’s more, they’re also cheaper than they’ve ever been and quite brilliantly capable.

6 – Money Back Trials

When you buy from a quality brand and a reputable retailer, there’s a good chance they’ll offer you some kind of trial period during which the bed or mattress can be returned for either a full refund or to be exchanged for something else. Always look for these kinds of offers and use them if and when necessary.

7 – Warranties

Cheaper beds and mattresses may seem like bargains at the time, but if they need to be replaced once every year or two they’re hardly economical. By contrast, invest in a bed that costs a fair bit more at first but comes with a 10 or 15-year warranty and you’re looking at a highly cost-effective purchase.

8 – Protection

Consider investing in a quality mattress protector to look after the mattress and keep it free from wear, tear, spills and stains. If you take home a quality mattress protector, it technically shouldn’t have any bearing on the comfort of the mattress.

9 – Try Plenty

Don’t just assume that the type of mattress you’ve been using for years is in fact the best mattress for you. There’s a strong chance that there’s something significantly better out there that you’ve yet to experience, so do yourself a favour and try out a fair few before making your mind up.

10 – You Get What You Pay For

Last but not least, while prices may in general have come down a great deal over the years, great beds are never cheap and never will be. Mattresses in particular sell for a pretty penny, but more often than not you get what you pay for. After all, there’s a big difference between a big rectangle filled with fluff and a high-tech mattress packed with state of the art spring technology and the highest-grade materials.

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