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Pre-Date Grooming Moves You Should Be Doing

Did you finally manage to convince her to go on your date with you? If that is the case, then congratulations! But, going on a date with someone comes with a lot of costs. The first impression is always the best. This is what is believed across the globe and unfortunately dates take it very seriously. Therefore, you have to try by all means to avoid messing up on your first date. There are many things that can affect your first date. But, most of the important things are related to your personal appearance. This is one area of your life that you have to sort out prior to going out for a date. In particular, your beard’s appearance, outfit and body smell will play a huge role in raising the scores of your first date. The following tips can help you to easily shape your body in readiness for your first date.

Pre-Date Grooming Moves You Should Be Doing


This is not something you can overlook. You obviously need to shower prior to going for a date. It is also pertinent to use the right cleaning reagents for the hair and the skin. You have to be concerned about the smell and the impact the reagents may have on any part of your body. For example, you can avoid soap and hair reagents that can leave you with allergies.

Deal with your Skin

Showering alone actually sounds somewhat vague. Rather, more focus has to be given to the skin. The last thing you want is to go on a date and begin scratching your skin while your date watches helplessly. You can avoid such issues by simply taking advantage of a good skin care product. If the date is way ahead of the current day, you can even get rid of any apparent skin rashes or acne spots using any means possible.

How About a Trim?

You can stop by a barber shop for a trim of your beard. This often appears simple, but it is something that can have a huge bearing on your date. It does not matter whether you wish to keep the longer part of your beard and moustache, but please trim off the excess lengths. You have no idea how much this may contribute to your first impression and date score. If you want to look yourself smart every time, then the best possible solution is to get a mustache and stubble trimmer for men. Well, you can gift a trimmer too. They are very handy as gift items. Check gift ideas on Instant Grooming.

You don’t Want to Trim; Clean it up!

Some people love their beards so much that they are not willing to trim them off and even worse, getting rid of them. This is not so much of a problem as long as you can still achieve that perfect look which is enough to impress your date. However, you have to clean your beard at all costs in order to increase your chances of impressing your first date even if you hardly know what will happen next.

Deal with your Downstairs

Although this may appear somewhat inappropriate, it is very important. Failing to address the issues downstairs may be one of the worst mistakes you can ever make.  What happens down there may cause you to scratch or even show signs of unsettledness during the course of the date. It is thus a perfect idea to deal with that region of the body.

Deal with your Nose, Teeth, Nails, Underarms and Ears

Unfortunately, most men neglect these important areas of the body. If you have a date scheduled for next week, you can start cleaning your ears, teeth, underarms, nails and nose in advance. You can even go for professional cleaning techniques such as laser cleaning tools or natural teeth whitening techniques. But, just get it done before the date arrives. For your hose and ear hair (sounds filthy! But I cannot help!), you can use the nose ear hair trimmer. This is the best solution for this case.

Deal with your Body’s Smell

Get an air freshener, deodorant or body spray to ward off bad smell from your body and ensure you smell nice throughout the course of the date. You can buy some of the best brands of perfumes that are available on the market.

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