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Tadoba Tiger Resort – a Good Place to Sort out Health Issues Caused by Frequent Business Travel

High-flying business executives who are usually confident about virtually every aspect of their lives often fail to look after their health. If business travel features frequently on your schedule, you need to do everything possible to take care of your health because the more you spend time on the road, the more you are exposed to health risks. You need to also know that it is just not the travel that will kill you but also the long phases of inactivity like waiting at the airport, the days without exercising, sleep deprivation,increased stress levels, late nights and dining on rich foods. The good news is that with a little care and effort you can take care of your health even if you need to be away from home for extended durations – all you need is some planning and a lot of determination. Some working tips on taking care of your health when traveling.




Carry Healthy Food and Snacks

When you are traveling and have a lot of time in your hands, it seems to be quite natural to head for the restaurant and fill yourself up on junk food. It is a great idea to carry along some sandwiches with healthy stuffing, salads and other nutritious snacks that you can consume while waiting for your flight or even on the plane. If you do need to have food on the plane opt for a choice that is low in fat, cholesterol, and calories. If you are traveling by road, then stock a lunch box or a cooler with fresh fruit, granola bars, low-fat cheese sticks, whole-grain crackers so that you can avoid the roadside restaurants that are notorious for their high-calorie greasy food. If you are bored, try not to fight it by eating. Instead, try reading or listening to music or even audio books. With an e-reader you can carry your entire library with you and an MP3 player can suffice for hours of musical entertainment.

At the Hotel Stay Away From the Mini Bar

Request the hotel to empty out the mini bar that usually contains tempting high-calorie stuff. Use the space to keep your healthy snacks and fresh fruit instead. When dining out in the restaurants try and eat as healthily as possible just as if you were at home. Try and choose items that are grilled, broiled or baked, include lots of fresh salads and vegetables. Ask for the dressings to be specifically put on the side. Eat till satisfaction but don’t try to stuff yourself. If you are visiting Tadoba National Park then you will find that the accommodation there to be extremely friendly to visitors who are health conscious. Visit to find out your choices.It is best to stay away or limit your alcohol intake. Business trips invariably include a lot of socializing in the evenings, where the gathering may be at a pub. You can find it easier than you think to opt for a club soda or a diet soda and stay away from hard liquor. By doing this you can save yourself from a shocking consumption of calories that is often more than the main meal itself. If there is a compulsion to drink then choose to have wine or a light beer or liquor that is heavily diluted.

Use the Hotel Wellness Facilities

Time your schedule for the day in such a way that you can pack in an hour or so of fitness activities. A walk outside can be great if the traffic, weather, and pollution permit, otherwise visit the hotel’s fitness center to work out. You can use the opportunity to even seek solutions to health issues that you may be having with the professional trainer available. If the hotel doesn’t have a gym, find out if they have a relationship with a health club in the vicinity. If your flights are scheduled in a way that there is a long wait time, see what fitness facilities can be availed of at the airport. While traveling make it a point to wear shoes that are comfortable so that you can take a brisk walk in the corridors when you are waiting for the flight. Taking care of your health can be quite challenging but if you make it a part of your routine, then you will find that you are actually enjoying it. The dividends can be really rich in the long run.


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