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The Only Moving Checklist You’ll Ever Need

Preparing for your move should really begin weeks if not months before the actual moving day the key is organization. Listed below are some time guidelines from one of the best Nanaimo movers to keep you on track.

The Only Moving Checklist You’ll Ever Need

8 Weeks before the move

Start by creating a binder with all important information and documents so when you need them, they’ll be at your fingertips. Investigating companies to help with your move and any estimates can be tucked into your binder. If you have children place any school records you might need where you’ll know where to find them. Use this move as a chance to declutter and save moving items you no longer need or use any longer. Creating an inventory of your belongings will ensure everything has arrived safely. If you have access to the new floor plan you have time to work with furniture placement before the move.

6 Weeks before the move

Time to slow down with your grocery shopping and use up any perishable foods. Get busy gathering boxes and any supplies like packing tape, labels and markers.

5 Weeks before the move

If you found a lot of items in good condition during your purging you can either sell or donate them, throw what remains in the trash.

4 Weeks before the move

Select which moving company you’re going to use or reserve a truck if you’re doing it yourself. Start packing the items you won’t need for the next little while label each box with contents and room it belongs in. Time to take care of any change of address notifications that are needed.

3 Weeks before the move

Cancel or transfer any utilities to your new residence. If your move involves a new doctor have your medical records transferred. Confirm travel plans if the move requires an overnight stay along the way. Time to say your farewells and have any going away parties, don’t forget to arrange for child or pet sitters on moving day.

2 Weeks before the move

Arrange to have the day off work for your move. Dispose of any hazardous materials and for those DIY’s confirm your truck rental

1 Week before the move

Down to just one last reminder and that’s to set aside the things you’ll need on your first night in your new home

A few days before the move double check the details, reconfirm your appointment with the moving company you chose, and the child or pet care you arranged. Finally it’s moving day everything on that list has been checked off and you’re ready for your new adventure!

Thanks to Sunrise Moving and Storage for these great tips.

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