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The Ultimate Guide To Shower Panel For Your Restroom

If you’re looking to improve your home drastically, but don’t want to overspend… look into getting yourself a nice shower panel. They make any home’s shower feel like a 5 star hotel!

One thing you’ll notice about some of the best shower panels is its sheer ability to give you so many different settings and options that it’s crazy. With knobs that allow you to change the temperature, water pressure, the side of where the shower will come out of, the type of water pattern and usually much more.

The most common ones have LCD screens built in, which actually help you see live what the temp is of the water. Some even change colors while you’re taking the shower.

How does unique music sound like? Most have Bluetooth music device connectivity which easily pairs up with iPhones and Android phones of all types.

The best shower heads on the market are really cool to have, but to step it up a notch you can buy yourself a beautiful shower panel, which does 10x more than a regular shower head does (in most cases).

If you’re worried about the installation of these shower panels, don’t worry. There’s various YouTube videos which show in-depth installation videos from some really credible experts.

If you don’t want to look at the videos on YouTube to fully learn how to properly install these shower panels, we’ll walk you through it.

The Ultimate Guide To Shower Panel For Your Restroom

First and foremost, you need the proper tools before you do any kind of sewing or nailing. Some basic tools you’ll need are a flat head screw driver, a Phillips screwdriver,  ideally if you don’t have neither had a small to medium sized battery drill. This actually makes life so much easier.

Teflon tape is highly recommended to make sure any kind of sewing on keeps any kind of leaks as close to zero as possible.

As a preventative cause, make sure you have some kind of polish and wind cleaner to help keep your shower panel in it’s original pristine condition.

Most have either a metallic, chrome, or mirror like finish. Keeping it up to par with how it was from the start can help you keep 100% confidence while taking a shower.

Believe it or not, having a clean bathroom is what will help you have some real peace of mind. This is especially the case if you have some type of OCD condition.

A few really good brands of shower panels are the following: Decor, Blue Ocean & Akdy.

Picking one over the other is no issue, since most of their models are geared towards doing the same thing. Some having buttons, some having knobs while the higher-end ones have touch screen buttons which  (is really cool).

If this gives you enough confidence looking into some good shower panels, good! Please visit our review site which offers various product reviews, guides and comparison charts.

BTW: We forgot to mention, if you can swing 200-250 dollars, then you can easily afford a shower panel. Just remember, they have a TON of features.

Best Wishes,


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