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Twitter Marketing Secrets Revealed!

Are you looking for ways to improve your social marketing strategy? Is Twitter on your charts? If not, you are probably making a big mistake and losing out a good chunk of the potential audience.

Why Twitter? How a post of limited characters can get you more traffic and engagement? It is very important that you know the basic yet most relevant things about this wonderful social media platform and how it can do wonders for your marketing strategy.

Twitter Marketing Secrets Revealed!

Let’s start with the first question tinkering your head i.e. why twitter?

Well, twitter is an amazing social media platform for every business. Whether you want to connect with new people, stay in touch with the people who already know you, know the current happening of the outside world and convey your message right there, Twitter fits them all. And, that too within a limit of 140 characters!

In fact, the conversations of Twitter are quite a similar to the face-to-face interactions you carry with customers regularly. Having 42% of users who follow brands, twitter is often a fertile ground for the opportunities of marketing. You can end up carrying many functions at once like spreading your brand’s awareness, generating leads, driving more traffic, building a strong customer base. Till now, you might have gained a sound knowledge of the basics and are aware of most popular tags through trends in the market, but the marketing has grown with a level higher tricks and ideas that are not so commonly known. Here’s providing you a sorted list of Twitter marketing secrets that will help you to stand out from the competition

1)    Listen and Observe: Snap a moment to have a glance of activities that other businesses are performing on Twitter and shape up your marketing strategy by listing out what you liked about others. There are many efficient tools like When you will observe how other businesses are interacting with their customers and the type of content they are sharing, it will become easier to work on your marketing strategy where you can gather all the best tactics in your very own innovative style.

2)    Follow the 80:20 Rule: Make sure 80% of the tweets you make are focussed on pushing interactions with the followers using replies, likes and retweets. Once you successfully built some rapport, you can go ahead with integrating direct or promotional offers that compel followers to take some action, such as making a purchase from your site or clicking the link you have provided.

For Example:

Twitter Marketing Secrets Revealed!

Is vegan diet really beneficial? Or simply over-rated? #healthgoodfood

(Please get it designed in a tweet format or use a similar example)

3)    Be Presentable with a Brimming Personality: Make every effort to come up with a friendly communication style, which is genuine and approachable without being over done. A pinch of wit and humour will result into enhanced entertainment value. Your unique voice should not be overshadowed by your commitment to the formal strategies.

4)    Test, Learn and Grow: There’s exactly no fixed limit for how many times you should tweet every day or when is the best time. All you can do is generate quality content and establish a regular rapport so that followers know when exactly they look for updates from you.

For better results, you can try mixing up your content marketing strategy with the twitter tactics so as to become more interesting and engaging brand on a social media platform having the wide customer base as followers. Moreover, you have no limitations on tweets and their time.

Get on with best practices on Twitter and raise your followers quicker!      

Author Bio: Anna Brown is currently associated with Xperts Infosoft. She has highlighted some facts that only a Social Media Marketing Expert would have known, clearing myths that are created by general people – be it in India, Australia or any other part of the world. Feel free to join her on Twitter & Facebook

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