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Unusual Housing For Environmental Care: Shipping Container Homes

There are a high number of unused shipping containers throughout the United States, and it would be a shame not to explore and expand their potential. Among other things, the obvious application that comes to mind is the idea of turning them into living space. Even better, this adaptable building block can be transformed so that they comply with the requirements of eco-friendly methods and practices.

Unusual Housing For Environmental Care: Shipping Container Homes

The Unit

The shipping containers, also called intermodal steel building units (ISBU) have abundance of positive sides with regard to housing suitability and few challenges. With a bit of practical knowledge and expertise the smaller issues can be easily bypassed and conquered. Their metal composition recommends them as sturdy and secure, and the tiny issue of insulation is effectively solvable, but not to be disregarded. They are meant to withstand the harshest of conditions thanks to their solid structure and durability, so practically they are un-destroyable. On top of that, they score a high mark on structural mobility and alteration capacities. In a way, it’s the green Lego for the grownups with the real and functional results.


The options are virtually boundless when the containers are in question. Boxes are effortlessly environmentally conscious as architects frequently reuse the old, somewhat rusted and abandoned pieces. Furthermore, cheap and obtainable straw bales can serve as insulation. The units’ wonderfully aligned walls will shorten the time needed for the measuring, leveling and other related aspects of the job. Its metal sides would efficiently exclude the need to plaster the inner walls. The straw bale padding could last for years before turning into recyclable compost, when you can cheaply replace it with a new layer. Nevertheless, it should be treated for pests just to be sure.


The 8 feet width standard containers provide a quite comfortable and spacious interior to start with. It readily acts as a powerful construction backbone. You can also conveniently pile them for space enlargement or change them up to serve as outside walls or a second story room addition. If you’re afraid you’d feel restricted in your new residence, have no worries as side cutting, large and numerous window panels and sky-high ceilings will take care of it entirely. Units are intentionally devised to interlock for transport assistance and increased mobility. Loaded and maneuvered with ease by regular machinery, containers are built for truck, ship or railway transport.

Additional Details and Benefits

The first thing we think of when shipping containers are in play is their presence at building sites, but their purpose spreads far and wide. Offices and makeshift medical facilities are being built out of these strong, steel units, as well as shelters, art workshops, dormitories and playground setups. Even hotels are starting to be made from them. You can easily fits in any door, window or blinds like blinds in between glass or any other type or kind of interior in there. They can hold up to 30 tons of weight! Unlike wood, they are impervious to varmints, fire, mold and leaking. Furthermore, they are earthquake and hurricane-proof. For safety measures, remove the treated floors. Strip and repaint the walls with non-toxic product. The costs of wielding and moving are easily compensated by saving in other aspects of construction process.

Container Multiuse

Shipping containers demonstrate great dynamics in composition, economical nature in the matters of energy and materials and it’s a contemporary architectural miracle. It will most certainly be an urban showstopper and the envy of the green standard proponents.

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