Discovering you have mold in your home may have you feeling many different things. You may feel disgusted, a little embarrassed that you have not noticed the problem and allowed it to invade your home unchecked. Putting your home up for sale may even cross your mind, but many people actually live in a home without ever realizing they have a problem. There are warning signs that may have been overlooked and have reached a point where it’s affecting their health. Here is Calgary mold removal experts Calgary Water & Flood to explain the warning signs of mold.


Signs You May Have Mold and should watch or smell for are noticing an unusual and strange odor. Mold has a very pungent smell you may even notice it’s confined to one area of your home the culprit could just be mold. It has the capability to sometimes live within the walls or behind wallpaper and the odor may not be the one you associate with mold. If you notice anything you can’t explain it certainly calls for further investigation.

The Appearance of Mold in your shower stall or bathtub, which is easy to distinguish from normal soap scum. When you notice an unusual odor in your basement or cellar it may require looking harder to find the mold. Mold loves damp areas so check any areas on the floor or walls where moisture collects.

Health Symptoms are a sign that you indeed have a mold problem even if there have not been any visible signs. Possibly you’ve been feeling listless, congested or experience watery eyes while in your home. Members of your household may have found they are ill more often than is usual. When you go shopping or to work your symptoms seem to improve and you feel much better. Health problems begin the moment you step through the front door, it’s highly possible that mold is the culprit.

If you suspect you have mold growing in your home or is the cause of health problems of someone living in the home, it’s time to investigate.look at all the moist areas of the home. You may feel uncomfortable staying in the home, but a small amount of mold will not cause serious health problems. Anyone who has allergies may want to stay away from the home until it’s been checked out and remedied. Once you’ve checked any spots that could be the source of mold, the basement, bathrooms etc. and haven’t found any signs it may be time to consult a professional. Ignoring the issue now could cause the problem to impact the health of your family and nothing is as important as providing a healthy home.

Thanks to Calgary Water & Flood for their warning signs of mold. Contact them if you need mold removal.