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What’s On In Cheshire This Autumn?

Cheshire is a county that attracts an enormous amount of tourism – and for good reason.It’s conveniently located, with excellent transport links to the North West, and it boasts a wealth of rolling countryside and attractions to take in.

During winter time, the county is host to a number of different seasonal distractions.You’re never far from a high-quality Christmas party venue in Cheshire, and there are attractions featuring Santa Claus and his helpers dotted across the county, too.

But what about the intervening period?Well, there’s plenty to sink your teeth into in the months leading up to Christmas, too.In this article, let’s examine what’s coming up this Autumn.

Roald Dahl at Tatton Park

This year has seen the centenary of one of the country’s best-loved authors.To mark the occasion, Tatton Park is hosting a raft of different events, each celebrating a different aspect of the great man’s work.In the mansion itself, you’ll find a trail that follows the exploits of Matilda Wormwood.

In the surrounding parkland, you’ll find the enormous, child-eating crocodile.At the farm, you’ll be able to seek out Fantastic Mr Fox by way of loads of entertaining activities – you’ll even have the opportunity to go through the farms of Boggis, Bunce and Bean.Finally, the park gardens are home to a Danny the Champion of the World exhibit.Each of these exhibitions has been running all summer long, and they close on October 2nd – meaning that you’ve just a few weeks to get down to Tatton Park and enjoy them.

But if you’re late, then you needn’t fear – because other Dahl-themed exhibits are set to take their place.These include an exhibition of Roald Dahl book covers from across the world, a writing workshop led by a former Cheshire Poet Laurette, and celebrations to mark both Halloween and Christmas.If you’re a fan of Dahl, or you’re looking to entertain children, then the events at Tatton Park this year are not to be missed!


Autumn Lights by Liz West

If you feel like something a little bit different, then why not pay a visit to Little Moreton Hall, in nearby Congleton?The hall is this year playing host to a contemporary art exhibit, courtesy of Manchester-based artist Liz West.The artwork is inspired by the thirty-thousand panes of glass that make up Little Moreton Hall’s Windows, and it comprises a series of coloured sculptures from across the house that make use of the Autumn daylight to create beautiful colours and shapes.There’s no need to book, but you’ll still need to pay for admission to the hall.

Keepers at Lyme

Another national trust property in Cheshire is Lyme Park, and this one is also hosting a special autumnal artistic exhibition.This one is entitled ‘keepers’, and it focusses on the work of the people who’ve maintained the property over the years.Again, there’s no need to book – but you’ll still need to pay for admission.This exhibit will run until the 21st of October.

Exotic Guests and Alien Invaders

Quarry Bank is a textile mill left over from the Industrial revolution.It’s one of the country’s most well-preserved industrial heritage site, and it’s also home to an extensive gardens.These were first created as a display of wealth, as the specemins you’ll find here have been gathered from across the world.But there’s a paradox, here – some of these invited guests have flourished in the Cheshire climate in a way that the people who brought them here did not anticipate.

It’s necessary, therefore, to carefully quarantine them in order to ensure that they’re not able to spread beyond the boundaries of the garden.If you’d like to examine these plants in closer detail, then this exhibit will afford you precisely the opportunity to do so!

Goosfest Arts and Music Festival

The village of Goostrey in Cheshire will soon be hosting its annual arts and music festival, featuring both folk and contemporary music, poetry, drama and art.As ever, there’ll be plenty to see, hear and taste.The festival has gained something a reputation for no-holds-barred, post-watershed theatre productions, and wonderful classical music performances.

This event is a ticketed one, so be sure to pick up a ticket well in advance of turning up.Goosfest 2016 will take place from the 1st of October to the 16th – so you’ll have ample time to consume some of the best entertainment, particularly if you’re staying locally.Fortunately, there are many high-quality hotels in Chester who’ll be able to accommodate you!

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